Familiarise yourself with your aura. Embracing the concept of being an energetic being can be challenging at first, but it is crucial to recognise its significance. Once you get used to this idea, it is sure to bring numerous benefits. In this chapter, I introduce you to your energetic essence, drawing on Eastern philosophical principles that offer clarity and universality.
Read moreThe misunderstood messengers of a new era: New Age children and ADHD
The children of the new age serve as a reflection of ourselves, showing what radiates from within us, as if we were looking through a mirror. Their actions and behaviours mirror our own. If we are concerned, they will also be concerned. Should we lack inner harmony, they will experience imbalance. And when grief engulfs us, the new age child will cry in the darkness of the night as their tears flow without understanding. In this way, they reveal our emotions, our sincere thoughts and the unresolved issues that linger within us. Indeed, they possess an innate ability to perceive the true nature of our being and unconsciously assimilate it as their own.
Read moreSurinamese gypsy fortune telling cards & Death this is what it means for you
The Death Tarot Card is a scary card for many people... however, this does not necessarily mean something bad!
But the fact that this card means 'death' does not mean that your time has come. With this card, you are more likely to deal with the theme of 'death', especially its naturalness.
Each Surinamese gypsy fortune-telling card deck contains 37 cards
Read moreGet ready for a tumultuous season!(October)
The solar and lunar eclipses that occur in October are a cosmic blow that can transform your life in an instant. You now have the ability to turn obstacles into opportunities and discover the value in every unexpected turn.
Read moreYou can specifically turn to the universe for support?
For example, you send a request for help to your guide or Winti. But few people realise: you also send out unconscious warning signs! How they affect your life. "The universe always responds to your warning sign. That is the law of canon."
Read moreIt is important to remember that you have the strength to persevere
It is important to remember that you have the strength to persevere, despite signs from the universe that suggest otherwise. While these signs may seem to push you in a different direction, it is crucial to trust your own intuition and keep moving forward on your own path. Remember that the universe is not in control of your life; you are. So take charge of your own journey and don't let external factors hold you back from achieving your goals.
Read moreAbuse in love that is both mental and narcissistic.
When your partner flirts with someone else while sitting next to you, or when your mother criticises everything you do, or when your boss privately compliments you while publicly humiliating you, these are all examples of mental and narcissistic abuse. But what does this form of abuse actually entail?
Recognising mental abuse and manipulation by a narcissist can be challenging. This type of abuse stems from a dynamic between two individuals; on the one hand, a narcissist tries to maintain a sense of control and reinforce his self-esteem. On the other hand, the victim may unconsciously feed this dynamic by idolising the narcissist and constantly seeking their validation.