Soul Contract

Soul Contract
We will encounter souls that can make things difficult for us, with these souls we may have made a soul contract. But you should never break a soul contract. otherwise you have to do it all over again.Suppose you are 70 years old and you still have 15 years to go through your soul contract.If you break the contract to commit suicide, firstly you will stay on earth for the last 15 years and then you have to do your whole life all over again.You will never be punished because of the mistakes you have made.But you should never skip a class.The environment the people from our past lives who challenge us in terms of our karma patterns (recurring behaviour patterns). Patterns that do not always serve us positively or make us unhappy. Well, earth life was not created for us to make things easy for us. Most souls on earth have to continuously process events. How they deal with events characterises how they are as a person and how they develop into a person they feel good or bad about.
Do you notice that there is regular resistance in your mind after an event (with another person) and you can sometimes get a bit stuck in a (same) emotion? Then you are probably working super well on your soul contract. When you manage to open your consciousness to what happens in your life, what you feel, how you deal with it and thus become aware of your behavioural patterns, then you are one step closer to your soul mission. Because, what are you here on earth for? Do you have any idea?
When there is someone in your life who tests you out,that may be a love and such a person may hurt you very much that you don't want to live anymore but that is exactly what you should not do then break your soul contract whatever the person does whether he excites you, irritates you or rushes you, you probably have a soul contract and karmic relationship with that person. That person is challenging you to break your karmic patterns. It is quite a challenge to embrace the resistance in that moment and see it as a positive event through which you can grow personally. When you can teach yourself this, a world of clarity and positivism opens up for you. You will find inspiration and peace in moments of panic, misery, sadness and chaos. It will not always be easy because it simply does not fit our earthly life.
In every annoyance, in every kind of sadness, there is a life lesson for you. A lesson for your soul. A chance to take a step forward and grow towards your authentic Self living in a bath of light and love. If you can start looking at all difficulties in this way, you can learn to embrace emotions.
Reincarnation means that your soul returns to earth because there is still a soul mission to fulfil, in most cases your soul failed to complete it in a previous life or in this life. In this case, the soul (you) will continue to hold on to desires and will not break free from the Ego. So, now that you know this, you might be more open to the learning curve of life with all its difficulties and challenges. Keep paying attention to the moments when this school of learning shows up and the people involved with it. Accept from yourself that you cannot break every pattern immediately, after all, we don't go to school just one day to learn.
Every person in your life, who challenges you in some way, can be seen as a teacher in your school of life. After all, who keeps challenging you to fall back into your old patterns of behaviour? In your way of reacting, acting and dealing with setbacks? Your parents, your sibling, your child, your ex, a friend, a colleague? They are there and you probably know immediately who I am talking about.
You may be interested in learning a little more about your relationship to your (ancestral) parents and wanting to understand and heal any trauma and patterns in the family lineage. Then read my blog on ancestral trauma and healing.
To recognise what is part on your path towards your soul mission, realise then that it is often a recurring pattern that moves like a thread through your life.
If you go through it all right and you die when it is your time you come into another dementia another world then you have learnt from your life.
you may then give you a pat on the back
much preferably